Monday 6 May 2013

My Amazing Parents taught me that Nothing is impossible!

This is my first post and rather than go into detail of the tests I have undergone so far I thought I'd just quickly talk about an early childhood memory that I have which is very fitting to this blog and subject.
I was 6 when my mum was having fertility treatment to have my sister.
I remember the little boxes of glass vials, the syringes in sterile packets, my mum tapping the vials to get the air bubbles out and then drawing the liquid into the syringe. I remember my dad injecting her with them because she couldn't do it. They never kept any of this a secret from me, they told me that it was so that I could have a baby brother or sister and as a child I just excepted it and thought that this is what all parents did to have kids.
My Mum had already been through this 7 years before to have me. She had been told on many occassions that she would never have children (for about 10 years in fact) but she refused to give up hope! She was finally given a treatment in 1985 that had only been used on one other person in the world (a woman in America) and was told that they wasn't sure what the effects were or if it would even work but for my parents anything was worth a shot!
It's only now that I am faced with fertility issues that I can truly understand and appreciate what they went through to have me and my sister.
To have to be told over and over again that it's not possible for that many years must have been horrendous aswel as all the treatment that was involved.
Selfishly I hope that my journey isn't as long as theirs and that I don't have to have injections etc but if the time comes and I do have to do this then I know that I can!
My Parents never gave up, my Mum never said no to the treatment because she was scared and if she had of I wouldn't be here today!
I love them both so much!


  1. That's very inspirational! Thank you for sharing!

  2. That is a wonderful story. Now we at least have millions of success cases but back then, to know only one other human being went through that and still don't give up, wow! Says a lot about your parents determination! What a wonderful story!

  3. What an amazing story and what an amazing strong mum you have! thanks for sharing xx
