Sunday 31 May 2015

12 week Scan


Our 12 week scan is actually a bit later, I am currently 13 weeks 5 days and it's been around 3 weeks since we had our private scan.
I was excited about this scan as I knew that we would hopefully see the baby moving around a lot more this time.
During the scan they checked everything over and informed us that the baby is doing really well and they changed my due date to the 12th July instead of the 16th because they said the baby was measuring ahead.
It's so amazing seeing little hands and feet moving around. 
The Sonographer also showed us the baby's heart beating on the screen and got a close up of his/her face.

I think it's all really starting to sink in now.


The Announcement


Merry Christmas Everyone!

This morning we officially announced our pregnancy to the world.
Yes I am only 11 weeks but what better day to tell people than on Christmas day right?
Plus we are happy with how things are going and are trying to stay positive so finally it feels real now we have told everyone.

My Christmas Miracle!


We had our private scan at Babybond in Mothercare today.
I could hardly control my nerves....I knew deep down that everything would be okay because I'd had no signs that things were not but it still dosen't stop you worrying.
You think of all the worst things and the what if's.
 It all went well though and it was so nice to see the baby moving it's little arms and legs around now, it's incredible how quick they go from a tiny blob to a moving little human with limbs.

So happy right now.

9 weeks


9 Weeks in and I feel a bit sick on and off still but nothing major, the dishwasher is a no go area in the mornings (clean or unclean, it makes me gag).
We've booked a private scan for next week as I can't wait until 13 weeks to know that everything is still okay.
I'm on edge every day, I feel like it could all be over at any minute and need some reassurance.

7 weeks

I Saw You And My Heart Skipped A Beat!


Dear Baby Reid,

Today we saw you for the first time.
I was so scared going into that room, so terrified that after all the fighting for you there would be something wrong or no heartbeat.
As I lay there on that couch shaking, holding daddy's hand for reassurance I could literally hear my heart banging...I don't think I even heard what the nurse was saying.
She searched around looking for what felt like forever and then there on the black screen we saw you....not much more than a tiny blob but you were there and even better your little heart was beating away. 
The tears of overwhelming love, relief and happiness rolled down my cheeks and at that point I didn't even listen to what was going on around me all I knew was that I had waited for what felt like forever for this moment, it was one that I will never forget.

Love Mummy x

Miracles Happen


Today I done the second official hospital test and yes I am 100% pregnant, so now we just have to wait until I am 7 weeks 1 day for the scan to confirm it all.
Just when I thought the wait was over yet another one begins.