Sunday, 31 May 2015

I Saw You And My Heart Skipped A Beat!


Dear Baby Reid,

Today we saw you for the first time.
I was so scared going into that room, so terrified that after all the fighting for you there would be something wrong or no heartbeat.
As I lay there on that couch shaking, holding daddy's hand for reassurance I could literally hear my heart banging...I don't think I even heard what the nurse was saying.
She searched around looking for what felt like forever and then there on the black screen we saw you....not much more than a tiny blob but you were there and even better your little heart was beating away. 
The tears of overwhelming love, relief and happiness rolled down my cheeks and at that point I didn't even listen to what was going on around me all I knew was that I had waited for what felt like forever for this moment, it was one that I will never forget.

Love Mummy x

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