Sunday, 26 January 2014

TTcers around the world Map Update

I am currently updating the TTCERS AROUND THE WORLD map.

Please click the link below to access it

The countdown begins!

Kicking you when your down!

My last post was in November when I was having a break from the medication, well I extended that break through Christmas as I couldn't get an appointment at the doctors for more medication. It was probably a good thing as Christmas was stressful enough (other things in my life going on) without having to deal with the emotions of not knowing if Letrozole was going to work or not.

So I decided that I would start the tablets again on January 1st (new year, new start and all that) however I still couldn't get an appointment at the doctors for my medication and the hospital wouldn't sign off the prescription as my Doctor was on Annual Leave. This went on for about 3 weeks until I ended up crying my eyes out in the doctors surgery and telling the receptionist how fed up I was of it all.....funnily enough she then found me a slot for a telephone consultation with the doctor that week. Why do you have to have a full on breakdown to get an appointment? ridiculous.

So anyway last week I got my call from the doctor who prescribed my tablets at last, however that evening when I got home from work I had a letter from the hospital with my operation date 12th February!

So after all that stress I can't take any of the medication now until after the op anyway.

Sometimes I wonder....Do things really happen for a reason? I can't believe that on the same day as getting my meds I got that letter. The world has a knack of working in mysterious ways.